Bet-Eil Assyrian Church Youth Group

"Shoes God Loves"


Objective: To understand full the true meaning of submission to God’s will.

Scriptures: Exodus 3:3-5

Biblical Material: As Moses comes closer to the Burning Bush, he hears the voice of God. God’s first statement to Moses is to have him take off his shoes. This form of preparation for worship was not normally practiced. Many historians believe that the act of taking off of shoes in Eastern cultures arrives from this passage of the Scripture.

Conclusion: To understand the true meaning of this act one must understand two factors: 1) the true meaning of "shoes" in the Scriptures, and 2) The reason God wants to dispossess us from our own shoes before we enter His mission? As we read the Scripture we learn that shoes indicate man’s work and intent. God want to strip us from our own will and intentions. To symbolize this form of preparation, in some instances God asks His servants to take off their shoes before they enter His mission (Exodus 2: 5 and Joshua 5: 15). In the other hand God clothed the entire Israelites with shoes of badger skin (a kind of antelope) Ezekiel 16: 9, . This form of leather was also used on the Tabernacle and as a covering for the Tabernacle utensils. The Scriptures indicate that during the 40 years of Israel’s wandering in the desert, God’s shoes did not wear down (Deut. 29: 5). This symbolizes the fact that God’s work and his purpose does not fail in our lives