Bet-Eil Assyrian Church Youth Group

"No Lone Rangers In God’s Kingdom"


Objective: God prefers to see His disciples working together in His Kingdom. In is by working together that we can clearly see God’s love and grace within each other.

Biblical Material: Moses asks God to relieve him from his new calling. Moses can not bestow upon himself the competence to mediate Israel’s salvation. His excuses include his low self esteem, God’s unknown identity, the unbelieving Israelites and finally ,as a last attempt, his inability to be eloquent in speech. In return, God asks Aaron to fulfill his little brother’s inadequacies.

Faith Lesson: God had the ability to change Moses. God could have miraculously created in Moses a willing heart, and a sharp eloquent articulate personality. But God decided to fulfill His servant’s shortcomings by giving him a partner. In so doing Moses and Aaron will both clearly see and experience God’s grace, love, and power.