Bet-Eil Assyrian Church Youth Group

"A Hardened Heart"


Objective: God uses all people and occasions for His own glory.

Scriptures: Exodus 4:17-23

Biblical Material: In spite of all his excuses, Moses decides to follow God and his orders. God warns Moses about Pharaoh’s personality. God has decided to harden Pharaoh’s heart to disobey His will. This disobedience of Pharaoh will bring much fame and glory to God throughout world.

Faith Lesson: God is a sovereign ruler of all beings. He has the ability and the right to harden our hearts and keep us in disobedience if His will requires. This does not indicate that He decides our faith for us. Our salvation is upon our own decision and His mercy. God acts in love. Even the disobedience that He initiates becomes a testimony to us and the entire world and all the more a reason to follow Him in steps.